$2 "Oops" Paint Dresser Makeover
When it comes to refinishing furniture, sometimes you don’t choose the color, it chooses you. Last week, I came across the most divine color in, of all places, the mis-tint ("oops") section at Home Depot.
I had a piece sitting in our spare bedroom for over two years just waiting on me to get inspired over color. Today was that day, and I was inspired over TWO DOLLAR mis-tint paint!
I don’t know if I was more excited about the color or the price, but this right here is exactly why I love refinishing furniture with BB Frösch Paint Transformer—I can add it to any color (and any brand/price) of flat finish paint to make my own inexpensive chalk/mineral paint, and it’s better quality than any expensive pre-mixed brand I have ever used.
I only mixed up one Cup (8 oz.) of paint, and I left the rest of the quart for another project another day (someone bring me a piano to paint this color!)
You don’t have to completely sand or strip a piece when you add BB Frösch Paint Transformer to your paint, but it’s a good idea to clean your piece and smooth out any rough spots. This piece had several areas where the original finish had been poorly applied (i.e. bubbles and gloppy areas), and several more spots that had been dinged up and scratched. I smoothed these areas with 220 grit sandpaper.

I solicited the help of my youngest daughter, and in 25 minutes, we had two coats of paint on! THIS is another thing I love about chalk/mineral paint! It dries quickly so you don’t have to wait between coats, I can paint right in the bedroom, and ANYONE can do it! When I watched theme lapse of the whole process back, I was reminded of more reasons I love refinishing with BB Frösch—I can do it indoors and with my grandkids running around. Don’t blink or you’ll miss Blaire’s cameo.
Once the dresser was painted and dry, I gently distressed with 220 grit sandpaper, then I smoothed with 400 grit sandpaper because I like a baby-bottom-smooth feel to every piece I do.
Finally, I waxed with BB Frösch Clear Premium Finishing Wax to seal and protect the finish.